Tuesday, December 23, 2008


To foster positivity, I have been encouraged to focus on positive romantic thoughts. With that sentiment, I hereby share with you a sweet tale of romance.

Hippie Girl (HG) dragged herself into tutorial room 202A on the first day of the semester. Sitting beside her was a young fellow who appeared too keen for Economics 401. Turning to HG, the fellow said "So, what have you heard about the instructor? I heard he's quite the bore". HG replied " Yeah, what do you expect in Econ 401 - I'll be surprised if he's anything but a bore". With that comment, the fellow got out of his seat and walked to the front of the room. He introduced himself to the class "Hello, I am Mr. Economics - I will be your instructor for this semester".

That's the tale of how my aunt first met her husband. They did not fall in love in that instant but they eventually did when Mr. Economics rescued her from a trapped elevator [in the following semester when he was no longer her instructor]. They have been married for almost 30 years and are raising three fine boys.

With this tale, I leave you with hopes (great hopes) and faith in true love. Romance may be just around the corner (the next page; the next step; yaddy-yadda).

[Yours truly will be soaking up some tlc at mom & dad's over the holidays. SO (Smooth Operator) has agreed to guest-blog over the holidays. Until then - live, love, laugh.]

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