Tuesday, December 16, 2008

249 by 2

My friend, Killer Smile (who earned the moniker by making men weak in the knees when she flash that killer smile), recently went on a first date with Recessionary Guy whom she met at a party. RG took KS bowling - which I thought was a sweet idea for a first date. After bowling, RG suggested coffee at a Dunkin' Donut type of joint [Personally, I would be more impressed if a guy would suggest a quiant coffee shop instead but hey I have no date - hence what do I know]. They decided on just having coffee and when the cashier rang up the order and asked for $2.49 for the coffees, RG asked if KS would like to split the cost. Yikes! [I know the economy is bad but I thought the chivalry that a guy feels when he pays for a girl's coffee still outweighs the actual cost of coffee. Well, maybe I am still a little bit old-fashion.]

p.s. Do I really need to explain RG moniker???

1 comment:

vwou said...

I have a feeling I might know this "Killer Smile" person....