Monday, December 29, 2008

Match Point-ers

Much thanks to guest-blogger, SO, for keeping this blog going during the holidays. After a few days of being six years old again at my parents' - doing nothing more than watching Love Actually & Bridget Jones' Diary while stuffing myself with christmas treats, I am back to my blogging shenanigans.

Overheard at a Christmas party were two fascinating dating tales involving tennis instructors. A quiet forty-something daughter of a family friend, Introverted Pharmacist, who had a fairly inactive dating history recently got engaged to her tennis instructor. IP took up tennis not too long ago and lo & behold was swept away by her tall good-looking tennis instructor. Talk about luck!

Another forty-something divorcee not only married her tennis instructor, Tennis Millionaire, but also received a $1,000,000 GIC (term deposit for the non-Canadians) from her new husband to assure her that he didn't marry her for her wealth. Surprising that this actually happened in my home city but I triple-checked that the story is indeed true - not just an urban myth.

Guess what's in the plans for the summer for yours truly - yes, tennis lessons. Time to dust of the tennis racket from the long-haired Andre Agassi days (wow - that's ages ago) and bust some balls (the yellow fuzzy kind - of course ;p).

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