Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have been writing about other people's business for more than a month now and I have not shared any of my own sordid tale (not fair, right?). I am a big fan of realness and rawness in people and I do always keep a defensive veil over mine. So, with this post, I am unveiling my own story.

About two years ago, the guy that I adored (note the past tense) told me one day that we were not compatible (this was after an extended period of hanging out). Of course, I was devastated. I went through the laundry list of "not good enough" in my head - not pretty enough, not smart enough, not successful enough, my hair was not straight enough, etc. Trust me, the list that went through my head over and over again was long. At that time, I even felt as if I was unworthy for the air that I breathed (yes, not only was I neurotic, I was dramatic too but only in the inside). Having lost faith in mankind (due to those three words - we weren't compatible), I started spending lots of time at the yoga studio where hours of yoga practice and inspirational words of many kind teachers helped me celebrate my own divinity as I do today. Sometimes we do have to go through the dark and stormy to get to the happy and sunny place.

[I wish I could say that I have fully healed; I am for most times but the odd times, those insecurities do still creep up.]

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