Monday, January 5, 2009

Men Diet

Bombarded by diet and online dating ads post new year, I can't help but share my two cents on the subjects.

Junk Food - Junk Food men are smooth, sexy, and hot. They say the right thing, look the right way, and oh so charming. However, Junk Food men will give you a heart problem and cancer which eventually leads to ill feeling.

Healthy Vegetable/Fruit - Not the most appealing at first, but extremely good for you. May take a while to get used to but in the long run, gives you the best fuel to live life on.

Sinful Dessert - Well, the Dessert Men just go straight to your hips. Need I say more?

1 comment:

teahouse said...

Hahahahaha...great analogy! Except for me, the sinful desserts apparently go to my stomach instead of my hips (reference to my post of today)