Monday, March 16, 2009

Snoogle me happy

Dear Snoogle-maker,

Why oh why do you market your snooglies to the preggers only? I think you have an excellent product which has a wide appeal - thus stop limiting your products only to a specific niche market. The solo sleeper who needs some warmth & snuggly at night but are not blessed with a co-bedder can really use the comfort provided by your product, the snoogle.

Oh yeah, can you make stripes or polka dots cover as well (or at least something prettier)?

Snoogling zzzzzz....


teahouse said... this like that Snuggie thing that's all the rage now, that's being sold in infomercials?

BB said...

The Snoogle is the pillow to the blanket of Snuggie. The snoogle is actually very comfy - just a super-sized candy cane shaped body pillow.