Saturday, February 7, 2009


During a Friday afternoon chat at work:

BB: There was a new guy at my yoga class yesterday. He was kinda cute.
SO: Did you do the gaze & smile?
BB: No, I'm too shy.
SO: Well, next time cute guy comes to class, pull up your mat next to his and start stretching.
BB: Seriously?
SO: Yes, stretching works every time at my gym - even with the gay men. Let me show you.
SO proceeded to demonstrate this "yoga" move which guarantees success.
BB: I have never done that pose in yoga. It looks more burlesque.
SO: Trust me, this works - try it next time at your gym.

Dear guys - If you see me bust into spontaneous stretching maneuver, don't fret. It's just that I may be a little into you. (Hmm...or maybe you would fret).

1 comment:

teahouse said...

Ooooh, very cute idea! Let us know if it works.