Monday, January 19, 2009

Love advice

Since the new year, concerned folks have been offering me their advices on finding romance. The list so fars consist of the following:

1) Set the mood/intention
- Read romance novels
- Watch romantic movies
- Wear red especially undergarments [waiting for post V-sale to stock up]
- Wear rose quartz after either washing it under full moon or alternatively placed in freezer overnight
- Wear a red string around the hips (if not wearing red garments or undergarments)
- Replace artwork of single object with artwork featuring couples or beautiful things (in pairs)

2) Go
- To remote mining town in Australia where there is a serious shortage of women
- To Alaska (land of Sarah Palin - yikes!)
- To Las Vegas (to catch a whale?)
- To a particular diner in Abbotsford - where the construction crew hangs out
- To certain local grocery stores at certain time

3) Do
- Join a male-oriented activity group - e.g. running club [I would be literally chasing men then because for the life of me, I can't run fast]
- Participate in a yoga retreat [apparently this is where I will find my true love in the form of a man - not just my true love in the form of yoga]
- Volunteer with political endeavours - go Red!
- Attend professional networking events
- Do sports - manly ones not the girly ones that I usually go for
- Chat to neighbours? [maybe not in my neighbourhood]
- Take a class (not a girly one - of course)

I will attempt the above list (at least the ones that are feasible) and shall report on the results accordingly.

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