Saturday, January 31, 2009
Viva Las Vegas
Congratulations to my dear friend, Miss Teacher (or now Mrs. Teacher) , who got hitched in Las Vegas last weekend. Mrs and Mr Teacher, both from the same area, met each other in far far away land on a teaching assignment. They fell in love and travelled from places to places teaching young children. Two years after meeting in far far away land, they got married. Wishing them happily ever after.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Way to simulate a daycare
A 33-year-old single mother in California of six children recently gave birth to octoplets, giving her a grand total of fourteen children. Yikes!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The grass is no greener on the other side of the fence; the grass is of green perfection right where I stand.
Satcitananda - sanskrit for experiencing bliss in your reality (my version of sanskrit translation).
Satcitananda - sanskrit for experiencing bliss in your reality (my version of sanskrit translation).
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Can't we bring integrity back into style? I think (in my humble personal opinion) there is a serious lack of integrity amongst too many guys out there in the dating world. Too many guys are guilty of dating multiple girls at the same time. Yes, I heard of the "Caveman" theory and I do agree with most part of it. However, guys - you are no ape, you are an evolved human. Plus, I have not received the memo about possible human extinction in the very near future - so, you can slow down that "procreation" action that you're so keen on.
Seriously, I thought the days of collecting baseball/hockey cards are just for boys. Now that you're grown, such hobby does not translate into collecting women. Plus, have you not learned from the recent stock market crash about the ramification of greed? Greed may earn you short-term gain but will get you nowhere in the long run.
Last but not least, if you're a man of integrity (and single), I would love to meet you. Perhaps, you can help restore my faith.
p.s. Dear boys, I apologize for the slight bashing. Just needed to rant about those serious offenders.
Seriously, I thought the days of collecting baseball/hockey cards are just for boys. Now that you're grown, such hobby does not translate into collecting women. Plus, have you not learned from the recent stock market crash about the ramification of greed? Greed may earn you short-term gain but will get you nowhere in the long run.
Last but not least, if you're a man of integrity (and single), I would love to meet you. Perhaps, you can help restore my faith.
p.s. Dear boys, I apologize for the slight bashing. Just needed to rant about those serious offenders.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tip of the day - remembering dates
SO's new man, Mr. Audi, has a neat trick for making it easy to remember significant dates. He took her out on their first date on new year's day. He recently planted his first kiss on her on one of the most significant day in modern history, Obama's inauguration day. He purposedly timed the kiss on that day - so that he shall never forget a significant event on a significant day. How clever!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yes, we can!
A shout-out to the true inspiration, Mr. President Obama and of course First Lady Michelle. Everytime I watch the duo on tv, they put a smile on my face. I enjoy the dynamics between them. Mr. President is cool in my books because he often acknowledged the strength and support of his wife - plus I like how she put him in his place too and he chuckled about it.
Congratulations to the ultimate "it" couple! Wishing you the very best.
Congratulations to the ultimate "it" couple! Wishing you the very best.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Love advice
Since the new year, concerned folks have been offering me their advices on finding romance. The list so fars consist of the following:
1) Set the mood/intention
- Read romance novels
- Watch romantic movies
- Wear red especially undergarments [waiting for post V-sale to stock up]
- Wear rose quartz after either washing it under full moon or alternatively placed in freezer overnight
- Wear a red string around the hips (if not wearing red garments or undergarments)
- Replace artwork of single object with artwork featuring couples or beautiful things (in pairs)
2) Go
- To remote mining town in Australia where there is a serious shortage of women
- To Alaska (land of Sarah Palin - yikes!)
- To Las Vegas (to catch a whale?)
- To a particular diner in Abbotsford - where the construction crew hangs out
- To certain local grocery stores at certain time
3) Do
- Join a male-oriented activity group - e.g. running club [I would be literally chasing men then because for the life of me, I can't run fast]
- Participate in a yoga retreat [apparently this is where I will find my true love in the form of a man - not just my true love in the form of yoga]
- Volunteer with political endeavours - go Red!
- Attend professional networking events
- Do sports - manly ones not the girly ones that I usually go for
- Chat to neighbours? [maybe not in my neighbourhood]
- Take a class (not a girly one - of course)
I will attempt the above list (at least the ones that are feasible) and shall report on the results accordingly.
1) Set the mood/intention
- Read romance novels
- Watch romantic movies
- Wear red especially undergarments [waiting for post V-sale to stock up]
- Wear rose quartz after either washing it under full moon or alternatively placed in freezer overnight
- Wear a red string around the hips (if not wearing red garments or undergarments)
- Replace artwork of single object with artwork featuring couples or beautiful things (in pairs)
2) Go
- To remote mining town in Australia where there is a serious shortage of women
- To Alaska (land of Sarah Palin - yikes!)
- To Las Vegas (to catch a whale?)
- To a particular diner in Abbotsford - where the construction crew hangs out
- To certain local grocery stores at certain time
3) Do
- Join a male-oriented activity group - e.g. running club [I would be literally chasing men then because for the life of me, I can't run fast]
- Participate in a yoga retreat [apparently this is where I will find my true love in the form of a man - not just my true love in the form of yoga]
- Volunteer with political endeavours - go Red!
- Attend professional networking events
- Do sports - manly ones not the girly ones that I usually go for
- Chat to neighbours? [maybe not in my neighbourhood]
- Take a class (not a girly one - of course)
I will attempt the above list (at least the ones that are feasible) and shall report on the results accordingly.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I must be very strange to find pleasure in poop conversation.
I once had a whole conversation about colonic over a dinner date and the date actually turned out to be one of the better dates that I had been on.
When I was still attending Mr. Asthanga's yoga classes, we would spend time after class having pleasant conversation about cow dung and the poop system. I still have a crush on Mr. Asthanga.
Last night, I had a funny conversation about how the toilet flushes with a Kiwi - whom I don't even know.
Hmm - I guess I am just comfortable talking about poop.
I once had a whole conversation about colonic over a dinner date and the date actually turned out to be one of the better dates that I had been on.
When I was still attending Mr. Asthanga's yoga classes, we would spend time after class having pleasant conversation about cow dung and the poop system. I still have a crush on Mr. Asthanga.
Last night, I had a funny conversation about how the toilet flushes with a Kiwi - whom I don't even know.
Hmm - I guess I am just comfortable talking about poop.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I have been writing about other people's business for more than a month now and I have not shared any of my own sordid tale (not fair, right?). I am a big fan of realness and rawness in people and I do always keep a defensive veil over mine. So, with this post, I am unveiling my own story.
About two years ago, the guy that I adored (note the past tense) told me one day that we were not compatible (this was after an extended period of hanging out). Of course, I was devastated. I went through the laundry list of "not good enough" in my head - not pretty enough, not smart enough, not successful enough, my hair was not straight enough, etc. Trust me, the list that went through my head over and over again was long. At that time, I even felt as if I was unworthy for the air that I breathed (yes, not only was I neurotic, I was dramatic too but only in the inside). Having lost faith in mankind (due to those three words - we weren't compatible), I started spending lots of time at the yoga studio where hours of yoga practice and inspirational words of many kind teachers helped me celebrate my own divinity as I do today. Sometimes we do have to go through the dark and stormy to get to the happy and sunny place.
[I wish I could say that I have fully healed; I am for most times but the odd times, those insecurities do still creep up.]
About two years ago, the guy that I adored (note the past tense) told me one day that we were not compatible (this was after an extended period of hanging out). Of course, I was devastated. I went through the laundry list of "not good enough" in my head - not pretty enough, not smart enough, not successful enough, my hair was not straight enough, etc. Trust me, the list that went through my head over and over again was long. At that time, I even felt as if I was unworthy for the air that I breathed (yes, not only was I neurotic, I was dramatic too but only in the inside). Having lost faith in mankind (due to those three words - we weren't compatible), I started spending lots of time at the yoga studio where hours of yoga practice and inspirational words of many kind teachers helped me celebrate my own divinity as I do today. Sometimes we do have to go through the dark and stormy to get to the happy and sunny place.
[I wish I could say that I have fully healed; I am for most times but the odd times, those insecurities do still creep up.]
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Six degree of romance
A few years ago, I met Ninja (a guy on a work holiday visa from Japan) at my capoeira class. He was a cool capoeira friend. Years later, I introduced Ninja (who had since moved back to Japan) to Curly Sue - who at that time was moving to Japan to teach English. I just heard from CS that Ninja has fallen for one of her friends whom she recently introduced to Ninja. Aww - I would like to think I have a part in connecting those romance dots (& the rule of karma will in turn bring love karma to me now).
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I teased Miss MM about her Rainbow Club encounter but I think to be fair, I should talk about my previous title of Queen MODF (MODF = Make-out on the Dance Floor) that I reigned when I was living in Toronto six years ago. (That title had been long long retired).
My friends in TO coined that moniker for me because at that time, we all went out every weekends to clubs and bars. I would get bored, had a few drinks more than I should, and entertained myself by succumbing to random make-out sessions on the dancefloor. I once even picked up a guy and made out with him - simply due to the fact that he was friends with the guy from work that I was crushing on. Nothing more than MODF happened - I was as prudish back then as I still am today.
Ahh...memories of fun times....
[MODF no longer happens here - occasionally resurfaced when out of the country]
My friends in TO coined that moniker for me because at that time, we all went out every weekends to clubs and bars. I would get bored, had a few drinks more than I should, and entertained myself by succumbing to random make-out sessions on the dancefloor. I once even picked up a guy and made out with him - simply due to the fact that he was friends with the guy from work that I was crushing on. Nothing more than MODF happened - I was as prudish back then as I still am today.
Ahh...memories of fun times....
[MODF no longer happens here - occasionally resurfaced when out of the country]
Monday, January 12, 2009
Golden years
107 year-old lady in China seeks first husband to care for her in hope of relieving the burden of caring for her from her nieces and nephews. This leads me to wonder how the Human Resources department would react if I request to replace the standard pension clause with the "find a husband" clause in my employment contract for retirement planning.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Anywhere, anytime
Miss Men Magnet (MM) showed us ladies that there is no shortage of guys to have fun with as long as you gaze, smile, and dance (although I'm pretty sure there are more skills required than that). Miss MM seems to be meeting men everywhere, including at the Rainbow Club - where gentlemen prefer gentlemen. Chatted by a guy at Rainbow Club,
MM: Are you gay?
Guy: No, are you?
MM: No, ok let's go dance (& make out later - the last bit was not verbalised but communicated by the gaze of intent)
MM: Are you gay?
Guy: No, are you?
MM: No, ok let's go dance (& make out later - the last bit was not verbalised but communicated by the gaze of intent)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Strike a Pose
Last night, KS and I, were at a bar enjoying music by the local band. Spotted was a cute photographer taking pictures of the band, the venue and people (in general). Thinking that the camera was pointed at our direction, KS & I, immediately went into pose mode & posed for the photographer. Later we realized that the photographer wasn't taking a picture of us but of the audience in general - how embarrassing.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Planning a possible girls trip to New York brought back the memory of this funny story. Five years ago, I went to NYC with two girls and we were on full party mode then. We even took short one hour naps from 11 pm to midnight just before we went out dancing. One night, we went to this super fun club where the music was good, men were plenty & friendly, and dancing was awesome. I never felt that desired (by men) ever in my life (even till today). I quickly figured out the best strategy was to just pick one guy and let him shush the other guys away. I was so tired that night I ended up falling asleep at the club while waiting for my friends who were flirting the night away.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My Five
After thinking long and hard, these are the five men I will bring with me to the deserted island:
1) Chef Govind Armstrong - he can make me his famous grilled cheese sandwiches everyday.
2) Lenny Kravitz - someone to serenade me in the hammock.
3) Anderson Cooper - someone to stimulate my mind with world events.
4) Mr. Asthanga - I need a workout after all the grilled cheese sandwiches.
5) Ricky Gervais - I need a good laugh.
Who are your five?
1) Chef Govind Armstrong - he can make me his famous grilled cheese sandwiches everyday.
2) Lenny Kravitz - someone to serenade me in the hammock.
3) Anderson Cooper - someone to stimulate my mind with world events.
4) Mr. Asthanga - I need a workout after all the grilled cheese sandwiches.
5) Ricky Gervais - I need a good laugh.
Who are your five?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Extraordinary Party Behaviours
Boy Wonder thoroughly enjoys showing up at parties in nothing but his tightie-whities and proudly parades around in his attire (or lack of). Others may be uncomfortable but his girlfriend (who has a great sense of humour) enjoys every moment of it. It sure doesn't hurt that BW is built like Hercules.
Bizarre Girl, who was angered by the lack of attention paid by her boyfriend, decided to pop in a workout dvd and started during abdominal workout in the middle of a party. How bizarre!
Bizarre Girl, who was angered by the lack of attention paid by her boyfriend, decided to pop in a workout dvd and started during abdominal workout in the middle of a party. How bizarre!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Roles reversal
Overheard - a conversation between two friends, Love Sick Boy (LSB) and Steak Girl (SG - a self-picked moniker).
LSB: I recently met a girl at the gym and I really like her. I think we connect at all levels: physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
SG: Wow - that's great. Do you have a picture of her?
LSB: That's us during Christmas
[LSB showing SG pictures of him and his new girl.]
SG: She's way cuter than what I expected. If you've met a girl who's cute and who's into you too, why so glum?
LSB: Well, I think she may still have a boyfriend back home. Plus, she'll leave eventually after the summer. One of us are going to get hurt - and it sucks to think that I will be the one hurting.
SG: Hmm, too bad. Well, sucks to be you then.
[I laughed so hard at SG's brutal honesty - sometimes you need a friend to just tell you like it is.]
LSB: I recently met a girl at the gym and I really like her. I think we connect at all levels: physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
SG: Wow - that's great. Do you have a picture of her?
LSB: That's us during Christmas
[LSB showing SG pictures of him and his new girl.]
SG: She's way cuter than what I expected. If you've met a girl who's cute and who's into you too, why so glum?
LSB: Well, I think she may still have a boyfriend back home. Plus, she'll leave eventually after the summer. One of us are going to get hurt - and it sucks to think that I will be the one hurting.
SG: Hmm, too bad. Well, sucks to be you then.
[I laughed so hard at SG's brutal honesty - sometimes you need a friend to just tell you like it is.]
Monday, January 5, 2009
Men Diet
Bombarded by diet and online dating ads post new year, I can't help but share my two cents on the subjects.
Junk Food - Junk Food men are smooth, sexy, and hot. They say the right thing, look the right way, and oh so charming. However, Junk Food men will give you a heart problem and cancer which eventually leads to ill feeling.
Healthy Vegetable/Fruit - Not the most appealing at first, but extremely good for you. May take a while to get used to but in the long run, gives you the best fuel to live life on.
Sinful Dessert - Well, the Dessert Men just go straight to your hips. Need I say more?
Junk Food - Junk Food men are smooth, sexy, and hot. They say the right thing, look the right way, and oh so charming. However, Junk Food men will give you a heart problem and cancer which eventually leads to ill feeling.
Healthy Vegetable/Fruit - Not the most appealing at first, but extremely good for you. May take a while to get used to but in the long run, gives you the best fuel to live life on.
Sinful Dessert - Well, the Dessert Men just go straight to your hips. Need I say more?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Pommes Frites
A friend of mine took his date to a fine dining establishment. Upon looking at the menu, she said "Wow, this must be a real fancy place because they serve apple fries." [referring to pommes frites]
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Mr. Goldilocks
Last night in Vancouver, Mr. Goldilocks was dragged by five lovely young ladies to the local pub for drinks, laughs, and not-so-subtle men-gawking. Mr. Goldilocks, who prefers gentlemen to ladies, was chatted up by a few young ladies at the pub. Meanwhile, the five lovely young ladies were left to their own devices - unapproached by men. Sigh....time for a miracle, perhaps?
Friday, January 2, 2009
A case of Austen-ism
'Tis only the second day of a brand new year and I have already decided that I have a serious case of Austenism. Austenism is a disease of the mind which affects judgement of and interaction with male human species. Symptoms include overindulgence in the pleasure of witty banters, swifness in deeming most men as insufferable creatures (& vice versa - most men find me insufferable as well), and a case of hopeless romantic idealism. These are typical traits of the heroine in most of Jane Austen novels, as well as, the alleged life story of the writer herself. The writer, whom died a spinster, gave her heroines the romantic happy endings which she was not blessed with in her life. Will my case of Austenism be one alike that of the character or of the author? Will I have my happy ending or am I destined to give every character his/her happy ending by the power of my pen?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
No snogging last night (sigh). Santa forgot all about my gift (I must have been naughty although I thought I had been very very good).
For the new year, I will resolve the following:
For the new year, I will resolve the following:
- Replace my neuroticism with grace (inner & outer)
- Find bliss in my reality (no more dreamland even though everyone is much much accepting of me in my dreamland).
- Have faith & surrender (very very testing - faith is wearing too thin)
- Allow my own divinity to shine shine shine (no matter what)
- Focus more on commonalities over differences
Happy New Year!
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