Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The City

I'm off to the City (as in the city of SATC) with two super fun ladies. Totally stoked and absolutely ready to rock it out. Hopefully yours truly will return with many tales of adventures from the City.

Yes, I did pack my stretching pants :P

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Guys - these are the places you should go

Hey Single Guys

If you are interested in meeting lots of fun-loving and fit girls, these are the places you should go:

1) Yoga classes - girls are zen-out and totally friendly
2) Capoeira - girls who are open to experiencing different world culture
3) Salsa dance classes - girls with rhythm (& you know what they say about girls who can dance)

That's my tip of the day for guys. Now go and explore!


Monday, February 16, 2009


It's been years since I last watched an episode of the tv dating show, the Bachelor. Tonight I caught the last 15 minutes of the show and disappointedly Mr. Bachelor dumped fellow Vancouverite Jillian (the reason I tuned into the show tonight). The reason he gave her was that she has an amazing life of her own? Huh? So, a girl who knows how to have an amazing life without a man is deemed undesirable, Mr. Bachelor? Wow - dude, you totally don't deserve the fine ladies from Vancouver then.

Vancouver is known to have a breed of fine ladies who are fully capable of living fun-filled amazing lives of their own - with or without guys because there is a serious shortage of eligible single men in this city. So dear single eligible men of the world, please come to Vancouver if you want to meet some fine young ladies.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just not that into you

Boy danced the night away with Girl at the club to the crooning of Barry White. Boy kissed Girl at the end of the night. But Boy didn't give Girl his phone number - therefore it was concluded that Boy was just not that into Girl. Girl ended kiss abruptly and ran away from Boy (so that she didn't miss her ride home) - therefore it was concluded that Girl was just not that into Boy.

There you go - Boy and Girl just wanted to have a little PG fun dancing away that night (nothing more).

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day!

Yours truly has no special romantic interest to shower love on - so, to everyone out there, much love from me to you! (Now pay it forward...maybe it'll makes its way back to me)


Seriously did those words just pour out from me? Or was that courtesy of all those different shooters from last night?

Friday, February 13, 2009


SG: I don't understand why people here are so critical of those who cheat. People in Asia do it all the time. I don't see anything wrong with it.

BB: Umm....I guess my puritan beliefs are seriously out of date. I don't mean to be judgmental but I just don't think hurtful actions like cheating is of any good or benefit to anyone.

Is my belief that cheating is hurtful really that out-of-date? Am I too naive to still want to have faith in that people will do the right thing?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Is it just a number?

Pre checking out Jesus of Madonna's boytoy fame

The minimum age of the guy one should date is divide your age by two plus seven.

Post checking out Jesus of Madonna's boytoy fame

The minimum age of the guy one should date is of the legal age.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


During a Friday afternoon chat at work:

BB: There was a new guy at my yoga class yesterday. He was kinda cute.
SO: Did you do the gaze & smile?
BB: No, I'm too shy.
SO: Well, next time cute guy comes to class, pull up your mat next to his and start stretching.
BB: Seriously?
SO: Yes, stretching works every time at my gym - even with the gay men. Let me show you.
SO proceeded to demonstrate this "yoga" move which guarantees success.
BB: I have never done that pose in yoga. It looks more burlesque.
SO: Trust me, this works - try it next time at your gym.

Dear guys - If you see me bust into spontaneous stretching maneuver, don't fret. It's just that I may be a little into you. (Hmm...or maybe you would fret).

Thursday, February 5, 2009


A big flashing neon sign that a guy is a commitment-phobe maybe the fact that he only had one pillow on his bed. True story as experienced by yours truly.
And I thought I have commitment issues...geez.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dream away

For the past weeks, I have been blessed with dreams of situations with various nice and hot guys. Understandably it was hard to wake myself up from such sweet dreams to drag myself to work. Excitedly thinking that these dreams may be premonition of very good things to come in terms of guys, I consulted the dream dictionary and was disappointed to learn that dreams about guys mean that I am embracing the yang (the masculine side) of me. Sigh!